Fall of the Roman Republic:
Myths and theories
Following Sulla a decade of aristocratic control with unsuccessful challenge by Q. Aemilius Lepidus (cos. 78). Conflict in the East leads to a big aggrandizement of Roman territory under Pompey and Lucullus in 70s and 60s. But after defeating Spartacus, Crassus and Pompey serve as consuls together in 70 and undo Sulla’s cap on the tribunate.
The 60s see Cicero’s rise to the consulship in 63 (in suo anno) and his discovery of a revolutionary plot to overthrow the Republic. Cicero foils Catiline and is proclaimed pater patriae, but his life goal of a harmony of the orders never gains fruition and his own head is put at risk for the execution of citizens w/o trial. Cicero went into exile in 58, though recalled. Simultaneously, Julius starts his rise and wins popularity as aedile and military glory as praetor. In either 60 or 59 he forms First Triumvirate with P & Cr and gives his daughter Julia to Pompey in marriage.
The early 50s
Julius acquires the consulship in 59 (in suo anno) and proposes a vast legislative reform program, partly blocked by the Bibulus and the Old Guard, consulship of Julius and Caesar. To avoid prosecution Julius rigs a province for himself so he can enjoy immunity. This governorship is extended to 5 years and the Senate gives him two more provinces to keep him busy. Friendly consuls elected for 58 and 57 to help protect interests of FT. But hostile forces nearly break up P & Cr until Julius renews the FT at Lucca in 56 and P&C win election for second joint consulship in 55, defeating Cato’s bro-in-law LDA.
The conquest of Gaul matched with 2 invasions of Britain (Comm. De Bel Gal).
The late 50s
P & C renew J’s governorships for 5 years; give selves provinces of Spain and Syria. LDA gets consulship of 54 with the optimatis App. Claudius Pulcher, but has limited success against FT until the exit of Cr. Cr launches illegal war on Parthia in Carrhae disaster in 53, loses his son, his pride, his life. Popular but inaccurate view: Crassus was glue that held FT together, w/o him it broke.
53/52 represents a dramatic change in politics:
1. Cr’s wealth no longer a factor in elections
2. LDA now able to elect some anti-FT consulars: App CP, MVMR (53), and 51-49.
3. Cr’s daughter-in-law Cornelia ultimately weds P and drags him away from J.
4. Coalition of Cato, QCMPS, LDA, Claudii tighten ranks against J
5. Unpredictable conduct of tribune Scribonius Curio
Civil disruption prevents peaceful election for 53, but LDC and MVMR eventually seated as consuls in Feb.
52 all hell breaks loose. The consuls designate are convicted of bribery and lose their seats (L. Plautius Hypsaeus and T Annius Milo). Murder of Clodius by Milo (battle of Bodivilla) followed by a funeral at which the Curia set on fire. At end the optimates agree to give P a sole consulship and he adds his father-in-law QCMPS as a colleague half way through. Milo tried and exiled, despite Cicero.
Efforts in 51 to recall J fail, since P still defends his ally.
Efforts in 50 renewed with more success because P forced to commit himself in a slip.
49 J recalled (illegally) and LDA appointed to succeed him. J crosses Rubicon and makes war on Senate.
The Civil War:
Julius storms Italy in Jan 49 and the Senate first appoints P as CEO, then flees Rome (Napoleon condemns this). J captures LDA at Corfinum, releases him, takes R, chases P to Brundisium , but P escapes. After securing Italy, J turns W to conquer Spain. A largely bloodless victory in which he starves Afranius into surrender.
48 J consul II with PSV, food shortage in Italy caused by the Republicans, J invades Greece and nearly loses all at Dyrrhachium, but wins Pharsalus. LDA executed. P flees to Egypt and is slain (Vergil on the headless trunk of Priam). J follows to Egypt, meets Cleopatra, Alexandrine War.
47 Q Fufius Calenus and Vatinius consuls, J wins Zela (I came, I saw, I conquered) and returns to Italy. Prepares for war in Africa vs Cato.
46 Julius III, Lepidus consuls, invasion of Africa and close call at Thapsus. Cato suicide, QCMPS flees, drowns. J returns to Italy.
45 Julius IV, QFM consuls, Sons of Pompey raise an army in Spain, Munda. J holds a triple triumph over Africa (Juba), Spain (from 60), Pharnaces – but angers many. Caninius Rebillus a one-day consul.
44 Julius V M Antony, J made dictator perpatuus in Feb, assassinated on 3/15.
1. Competitive system doomed to create warlords and one-man rule
2. Death of Crassus doomed a confrontation
3. Death of Julia doomed a confrontation
4. System collapsed due to an unpredictable set of personalities
5. Many conflicts in play: Italian vs Roman, Optimate vs Popularis, debtors vs creditors, provincials vs peninsulares, wealth as a changing factor
6. Civil War really a temporary aberration, just as was Marius, Sulla, but Antony and Caesar Octavian followed instead of Republicans.
The consuls and partisanship:
Bold = pro-J,P Italics = anti underline is ambiguous
60 Pupius Piso, M. Val. Messalla Niger
59 Julius, M Calpurnius Bibulus
58 L. Calp Piso, A Gabinius
57 Cornelius Lentulus Spinther, Q Caecilius Metellus Nepos
56 L Marcius Philippus, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus Marcellinus
55 Cr II and P II
54 App. Claudius Pulcher, L. Domitius Ahenobarbus
53 Domitius Calvinus, M Val Messalla Rufus
52 (Milo and Plautius Hypsaeus) Pompey III, QCMPS
51 P Sulpicius Rufus, M. Claudius Marcellus
50 L. Aemilius Paullus, C. Claudius Marcellus
49 C Claudius Marcellus, L.Cornelius Lentulus Crus
48 J II, P Sevilisu Vatia Isauricus
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
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