Tuesday, October 2, 2007

7 Roman Kings

Roman History: the Seven Kings of Rome

I. The Aeneas Legend –
• back in days of Trojan War – 1177 BC
• a founder famed for his sense of duty (virum insignantem pietate)
• http://www.usu.edu/markdamen/1320Hist&Civ/slides/03epic/aeneasanchises.jpg
• founds Roman Race, not Rome

II. Romulus and Remus, sons of Mars, found Rome 753 BC
• A wolf/lupa fed them until Fausulus arrived
• http://www.usu.edu/markdamen/ClasDram/images/12/07romulus&remus.jpg
• fratricide overlooked
• rape of Sabine Women
• http://www.sfusd.k12.ca.us/schwww/sch618/RomanLinks/sabinepoussin.jpg
• Tarpeia’s treachery, http://www.vroma.org/images/mcmanus_images/tarpeia_augcoin.jpg
• The women stop the war, Tatius made co-king (but not counted as one of the 7) http://www.ancientworlds.net/aworlds_media/ibase_1/00/03/56/00035673_000.jpg
• Spolia opima, http://www.vroma.org/images/mcmanus_images/marcelluscoin2.jpg
• Death of Romulus

V. Numa (715-672) brings peace and superstition disguised as religion
• Founds religious colleges, incl flamines
• Builds Temple of Janus, http://www.dirtyoldcoins.com/natto/id/nero/nero086.jpg http://www.gutenberg.org/files/19694/19694-h/images/004.jpg
• Closes Gates of Janus (see Aeneid 1.293-296, 7. 616-40)
• On Ara Pacis

V. Tullus Hostilius (672-640), resumes war, ignores religion
• Note related to Romulus or Numa, but Hostus Hostilius.
• Destroys Alba Longa after duel of Horatii, http://ils.unc.edu/daniel/Images/DavidOathHoratii.jpg
• Killed by lightning when he does a spell wrong in a famine.

IV Ancus Marcius (640-616)
• Sabine, grandson of Numa
• Died leaving sons as underage heirs

V. Tarquin I (616-578)
• Half-Greek, half-Etrusan, symbolizes cosmic Roman race, land of opportunity of R
• Imports Etruscan toga, fasces, curile chair http://cache.eb.com/eb/image?id=95620&rendTypeId=4
• Reared Servius Tullius, killed by sons of Ancus

VI. Servius Tullius (578-535)
• Mother was a POW = slave, said to be son of Vulcan
• Gained throne in a palace coup with help of Tanaquil
• Organized census and army standings
• So-called Servian Wall
• Sad demise http://www.giovanetto.com/burghley/1chiari285.jpg

VII. Tarquinius Superbus (535-510/09)
• Seized power in coup, never elected
• Mixed marriages of Tullias and Arruns and LTS
• Ignored Senate, purged Senators
• War with Gabii and Sextus, Herodotus (Zopyrus) lift
• Sybilline Books
• Good wife contest,
• Rape of Lucretia, overthrow Shakespeare sonnet http://www.classicartrepro.com/artistsc.iml?painting=5690 see also Rubens

• First two consuls LJB and LTC until LTC deposed
• Failed coup to restore the kings
• War with kings, LJB and Arruns Tarquin killed
• War with Lars Porsenna, legends of Scaevola and Cloelia http://www.kzu.ch/fach/as/gallerie/lect/helden/im/02.jpg
• Lake Regillus and Tarquins’ last stand, Castor and Pollux http://www.luminare.co.uk/images/1/42/Castor+&+Pollux.jpg

12 Sept. Etruscans, Romans and Latins
I. Etruscans
A. Not too much known about Etruscans, as their own written language is lost. What we hear from Romans and Greeks may not be very accurate. Tomb painting - a major source of info.
A tomb from outside http://www.bardotti.com/tomba.jpg
A tomb from inside
Typical wall painting http://images.encarta.msn.com/xrefmedia/sharemed/targets/images/pho/t304/T304644A.jpg

B. Etruscan cultural exports to Rome: purple toga, curile chair, fasces, gladiatorial funeral games, writing based on Greek letters, augury and other religious elements, some architecture
C. and with negative conditioning – monarchy and human sacrifice shunned
D. Where are they from? Hdt says Lydia; others say over the Alps, Illyria, or Italy.
E. The language – supposedly recently deciphered in Italy. This is the 25th such claim.
F. They left many beautiful sarcophagi, though when opened the corpse turns into soup http://www.utexas.edu/courses/cc302k/images/Rome_images/webrome/Etr_sarc.jpg

II. Roman heroes and anti-heroes
A. Attus Clausus emigrates to Rome in 502 – a Sabine
B. Coriolanus - turns against city http://z.about.com/d/ancienthistory/1/7/k/O/VeturiaCoriolanus.jpg
C. Romans tire under class strife and send to Delphi (!) for laws ca 452 BC. This is during Golden Age of Athens and before Great Peloponnesian War (during FPW). Appoint 10 decemviri to make laws. Scandalof Verginia.
D. Cincinnatus Statue of Cincinnatus, Cincinnati, OH, 2004, by Rick Dikeman
"With one hand he returns the fasces, symbol of power as appointed dictator of Rome. His other hand holds the plow, as he resumes the life of a citizen and farmer."

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