Monday, December 10, 2007

The Year of 5 Emperors AD 69

The Year of 5 Emperors AD 69
Major sources: Suetonius Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian
Plut. Galba, Otho various documents
Tacitus Histories 1-3

Ser. Sulpicius GALBA, having lost the battle (Vesontio), won the war and comes to Rome and is hailed princeps senatus. Stingy, he fails to bribe the praetorian guard. Childless and 71 he had to name an heir. He chose Calpurnius Piso over Otho in Jan AD 69. Soon after, he and Piso are assassinated on 15 January by
M. Salvius OTHO, with very few backers pulls off a coup d’état and is proclaimed emperor by the Senate and guards. 3 bad claims to the throne. But after ascending to power he learns the German legions are in rebellion and sets out to fight them and defeat their commander -
Aulus VITELLIUS, proclaimed emperor by his troops on 1 January, and unaware of Otho’s coup d’état until after the fact. Vitellius’ troops rush south and defeat Otho’s men at First Bedriacum (near Cremona). Otho commits suicide after 90 days in power and Vitellius is the winner. He comes to Rome and takes over, looting the gvt and taking over. He takes the Chief priesthood on a nefas day, making superstitious people mad and presaging his own downfall. In July an opponent rises from the East –
T. Flavius VESPASIAN, proclaimed in an arranged “spontaneous” demonstration in Syria and Alexandria simultaneously. Vespasian has troops of the East on his side and Vitellius has the veteran Rhine legions – the deciding factor is the three legion block in Illyria, which back Vespasian. At Second Bedriacum, Vitellius’ forces are defeated. A rush to Rome follows and Vitellius is slain.
Vespasian as Emperor 69 – 79, gets economy back running, pulls down Nero’s Golden House (aristocrats ok with this) and builds Colosseum in its place. Refuses flattery while alive, but deified at death.
TITUS Flavius Vespasian 79-81 actually co-emperor with his father for most of it, opens Colosseum (not really complete) Vesuvius buries Pompeii, a terrible fire in Rome. The Arch of Titus celebrates his victory over Jerusalem.

T. Flavius DOMITIAN 81-96 a tyrant and spoiled brat, starts out ok but grows paranoid. Eventually his wife helps plot his downfall. Completes Colosseum, wages war in Germany and Romania (not successfully), defeats a serious rebellion. Assassinated.

Acme of the Empire: The Five Good Emperors 96-180
Major sources: Suet. Vespasian, Titus, Domitian; Cassius Dio; Scriptores HA; Tacitus

M. Cocceius NERVA 96-98, probably in on Domitian’s assassination, was agreeable to all. Already old, he had to choose an heir and did not err like Galba. He adopted …

M. Ulpius TRAJAN 98-117, greatest emperor (“May you be as fortunate as Augustus and as great as Trajan!”) first rate soldier, probably not a Julius, but maybe a Pompey. Secured N border and fought 2 wars in Romania, adding Dacia as a province and building up central Rome with Trajan’s Column, Forum, Market from Dacian gold, silver. Then attacked Parthians and defeated them so far he sacked Ctesiphon. Died in mid conquest, so his family engineered a (probably false) adoption of …

P. Aelius HADRIAN 117-138, the architect emperor. Settled borders by evacuating Trajan’s new provinces Mesapotamia, etc. Build Hadrian’s Wall, rebuilt Pantheon, Tivoli palace (Hadrian’s villa). Loved Antinuous, a youth who drowned in the Nile. Consolidation over expansion, grand tour of the empire, but started out on a bad foot by executing Trajan’s generals on phony charges and never was forgiven by populace. Died alone and bitter, his choice of an heir predeceased him, so he adopted …

ANTONINUS PIUS 138-161, begged Senate to deify Hadrian (against their inclination) so he is Pius (like QCMP). Ran Empire at its peak of prosperity. Expanded N to Scotland and built Antonine’s Wall. A plague, probably small pox came through in ca 160 and killed 15-25% of population. Adopted two heirs …

LUCIUS VERUS 161-69, did little, died. Shared throne with …

MARCUS AURELIUS 161-180, philosopher king, wrote Meditations in Greek (a favorite of B Clinton). The assault on the N border by Germans prevented him from reigning over the Golden Age he wished to bring. Died on campaign in Vindabona, breaking precedent by leaving throne to his biological son, the disastrous

COMMODUS 180-192, even in Anc. world rumors circulated that he killed his father. Made unfavorable peace with the Germans, and returned to Rome to live in pleasure. Reigned ok for a while and then his sister formed a plot to kill him. Went mad with paranoia. Turned into the villain in Gladiator, but there was no Maximus. He was strangled on 31 Dec.

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire 180 - 476

Helvius PERTINAX 193 took throne, but after 3 months a guard killed him and the Praetorians sold the Empire in an auction to the highest bidder,

DIDIUS JULIANUS 193 made the purchase, but was soon defeated in civil war by

L. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS 193-211 who warded off two rivals Pescenius Niger and Clodius Albinus and founded Severan Dynasty. A thug, he reconquered territory in revolt in Dacia, Britain, and as far as Mesopotamia. Everyone was scared of him. Told his son, “Pay the army then forget about the rest,” when he died, leaving

GETA Severus 211 killed by his mean older brother

CARACALLA Severus 211-17, fratricide, gave everyone citizenship, built baths, was assassinated after he left out a list of intended victims.

MACRINUS 217-18 a military man who tried to found a new dynasty w/o success

HELIOGABALUS 218-22 worst … emperor … ever, as Comic Book Guy would say. Made Nero look good. Brought a weird sun cult to Rome, wasted the treasury, acted effeminate, raped a vestal virgin, lost grip on reality. Let Mom rule until his aunt conspired against him and replaced him with

ALEXANDER SEVERUS 222-235 ok emperor, but slain by his troops, ending the dynasty.

235-283 era of Barracks Emperors (soldiers) bad economy, debasing of coinage, repeated invasions, most emperors last 2 years or less, often multiple emperors – “era of 30 tyrants”

285-305 Diocletian creates Tetrarchy of 4 – 2 Augusti, 2 Caesares

Tetarchy system broken down by Constantine (306-337) whose dynasty lasts until 361 after it turns on self.

The Fall –

Many invasions, permanent division of Empire E and W with separate agendas towards survival, a gradual un-Romanization of the population. People no longer care if the Empire falls; they have no stake in it. Far fewer unifying forces in Empire among citizens and contact beyond 50 miles greatly reduced by chaos of the era. Foreign troops fight the battles of Empire for reward and citizenship, but often turn on Rome later using military technology they learned in the legions. Incompetent and venal emperors throw away the few advantages Rome has (Valens loses Adrianople 378, Honorious is totally incompetent, Valentinain III assassinated Aetius).

Official fall: AD 476 when Odvocar makes himself king of Italy and overthrows the boy-emperor Romulus Augustulus. RA spared, goes to Ravenna and builds a church.

The Mausoleum of Augustus

3rd Most Important lesson from this term: how to spot a good gelateria


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